Thursday, April 20, 2017

Compare and Contrast Essay

Jungle vs. Desert
Compare and Contrast Essay by: Alayna Schuler
Have you ever wondered how two very different parts of the world could be similar? Well the jungle and the desert can be very similar if you take a look from a new perspective.
The jungle is a very wet and humid place located near the equator. On the other hand the desert is very dry and located away from a coast. I know it’s funny to think about such a dry place located near a coast, but it is far enough off the coast to where the oceans moisture doesn’t reach.
The desert and the jungle both contain wild life. The desert animals are very dull colored, like the lizard, to avoid the sun’s burning rays. Desert animals also have to be very hardy. That means they have to be able to survive with little water. Some burrow into the moist soil to avoid losing water. Others lick the dew off the plants in the cool morning. One of the desert animal, the camel, cannot store water in their humps as the myth states. Their humps are simply filled with fat helping them lower their temperature throughout the rest of their body causing them not to drink as much.
Jungle animals on the other hand are very bright and colorful because the vegetation is so vibrant. Most animals in the jungle use camouflage to hide from unwanted guests. The most common animal that we all know that can camouflage itself is the chameleon. The chameleon has the ability to take the color of anything to hide itself.
As you know the jungle gets a lot of rain, but a desert also gets rain too. It gets anywhere from 80 to 400 inches a year. A desert only gets less than ten inches a year.
The climate in the desert is very hot. The temperature can range anywhere from 64 to 120 degrees fahrenheit. The jungle’s temperature usually stays around 80 degrees fahrenheit. The temperature has never dropped below 64 degrees.  
As you know people think of the jungle and the desert as two completely different things, but they actually can be quite similar.
Both the desert and the jungle have trees. The jungle as super tall trees, like the Strangler Fig. The Strangler fig is named after the pattern of growth upon host trees. It stands about 148 feet tall. Many desert animals are close to the ground and contain thorns. This is because the thorns help them collect moisture.

Friday, April 7, 2017

School Uniforms

School Uniforms
Persuasive Essay by: Alayna Schuler
Do you ever feel like you just don’t fit in? Nineteen percent of all schools nationwide enforce students to wear uniforms. School uniforms return the focus back to learning rather than clothing.
School uniforms bring unity to the school. Schools that enforce this rule have a lower rate of school intruding because when looking down the hallway everyone looks the same. If there were someone wanting to insure he or she would be easily spotted. The school uniforms also avoid inappropriate dressing from teens, because they have a set dress code in which they can not stray from.
School uniforms also minimize ethnic barriers. When teens, especially girls, are all forced to wear the same exact things it lowers the formation of cliques. Girls are usually defined by their clothing, and when they all look the same they tend to be less judgmental. A lot of girls can’t afford to keep up with the newest trends, but with school uniforms they don’t have to.  
School uniforms increase academic ability in students. In Kenya, students who were randomly given uniform had increased test and attendance scores. Also, a school in Texas saw the same thing in their students just recently after they started the uniform policy.
Across the United States schools have noticed less and less behavioral issues. In Los Angeles, gang activity is a real problem in the schools, but school uniforms have prohibited them from wearing their gang colors.
School that recently switched to uniforms have saw many emotional effects upon their students. In Memphis, Tennessee, teachers saw a decrease in competition among in their students. In Kansas City, Missouri, teachers and parents notices the students had a burst of self-esteem and school pride, when the schools implemented a dress code.
School uniforms alleviate many financial concerns. Many parents are worried about the cost of uniforms for their children. A 1998 study in the USA Today reported that parents spent less on on uniforms than clothes for school. However, a 2007 study reported that some parents tended to pay more for school uniforms than regular cloths for their children.  This is because the cost of the uniforms all depend on how fancy your school goes with them. Uniforms that require basic pants or a skirt with a polo shirt will be less expensive than specially designed uniforms.
Long term studies of school uniforms are just beginning to appear and most of them bring a story of success, there are one or two that don’t have a positive result. Beyond statistics, schools, parents and students have to look to individual school’s problem and population to determine whether the uniforms bring a positive impact or not. Overall school uniforms bring an image of success to the school, and all those who don’t like it can move to a school who doesn’t enforce this policy.