Thursday, February 2, 2017

Farm Life

Farm Life
The sound of clock laughter fills the house.

the sleepy children make their way down the creaky cracked steps.  

The chickens disappear into the bubbling darkness only to get lost in the fog bushes, but they return to the sound of the yelling feed bucket that guides them through the ticket.

The cattle tred around in the crushed mud trying not to get stuck.
Dad’s shotgun sent a tottering sheek into the flap of branches as he drug out a nice buck.

The rank horses trot around the half shaded roses.
They dash for the giggling gopher by wraps of apples.
The gopher doges them, laughing at their failure.
The pigs rut around in the icy mud. They get up and head for the fantastic slop freshly brewed.
The gooey grossness spills out the sides of their mouth as they try to engulf all of it at once.  

The noise of the gaggle of geese run in the clouds.

Snapshots of laughter fill the air as the kids play on the  playground.

The shining sun shone on the busy farm. It’s going to be a good day

Show Season

Show Season
Have you ever heard the cool summer morning on your tired bones?
Brisk air as it breezes by your ear?
Or the low bealler of hungry cattle fill your ear?

Have you ever felt the loading of the trailer as you take off for a show?
CLANK! CLANK! Of the cattle as they squirm and struggle to get into the trailer and rock the whole rig?

Have you ever tasted the dew of the wash rack?
It’s wet. Many flavors fill the tiny space that managed to fit 20 head in. Water comes at you from all direction and it’s almost impossible to stay dry.

Have you ever smelled the freshly washed and blown cattle?
Smells sweet like a dozen daisies in a field, or like your favorite perfume.

Have you ever seen the champion pat on the back end of your cow?
It’s like seeing your favorite tv show for the first time in four years.
It’s like seeing you best friend you haven’t seen in forever.

It’s the best thing. As you know all your hard work paid off. And then you're off to the next show to do it all again