Thursday, February 2, 2017

Farm Life

Farm Life
The sound of clock laughter fills the house.

the sleepy children make their way down the creaky cracked steps.  

The chickens disappear into the bubbling darkness only to get lost in the fog bushes, but they return to the sound of the yelling feed bucket that guides them through the ticket.

The cattle tred around in the crushed mud trying not to get stuck.
Dad’s shotgun sent a tottering sheek into the flap of branches as he drug out a nice buck.

The rank horses trot around the half shaded roses.
They dash for the giggling gopher by wraps of apples.
The gopher doges them, laughing at their failure.
The pigs rut around in the icy mud. They get up and head for the fantastic slop freshly brewed.
The gooey grossness spills out the sides of their mouth as they try to engulf all of it at once.  

The noise of the gaggle of geese run in the clouds.

Snapshots of laughter fill the air as the kids play on the  playground.

The shining sun shone on the busy farm. It’s going to be a good day


  1. I like how your poem tells a story of a day on a farm.

  2. I like the poem, you might want to try using more free verse. right now, it looks like paragraphs. if you mix it up a bit, it would look really cool. but it sounds really good.

  3. Awesome! Great invented language and onomatopoeia, but try adding some alliteration.
