Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Celebration Essay

Celebration Essay by: Alayna Schuler
Kyla is a 20 year-old beautiful girl. She has blonde hair with eyes that change color with the wind. One day they are blue and the next day they could be green. She is the most gorgeous girl I know. I also get the privilege of calling her my sister. Kyla is an outgoing person. She loves to show cattle and ride horse year round.  She is currently attending Ridgewater College in Willmar, Minnesota for nursing.
Kyla has been my best friend for 15 years now.  One thing I love about her is her will to push me to be better. In the summer, at cattle shows, we like to have a sisterly competition to see who is a better showman. I end up beating her most times. She is convinced that it’s because she trained my cow, but I like to think it’s because I’m just simply better. Someday I will face the fact that she really is better, but for now I’m just going to play dumb.
One story in particular when Kyla pushed me harder than anyone was  in August of 2015, the year I was a state champion showman. I had just gotten done with my call back round, the round where finalists are picked. I remember Kyla standing at the gate with a stern look on her face and the words of complaint spilling out of her mouth. “You want to win don’t you?” those are the only words that pushed me harder than ever. Winning that day was the biggest accomplishment, not for myself, but because I made my sister prouder than ever.
If I had to pick to compare Kyla to any animal, it would definitely be a horse. I chose this animal because of its beauty, spirit, and character. I’d definitely say that Kyla can be stubborn at times, but it’s all in how you come about the situation. If you ask nicely, she might do it, but most times you have to ask a few times to the point you are frustrated with her. Just like horses, Kyla is the most trustworthy person ever. You can tell her anything. She had been burned in the past, so it may take time and persistence trying to get her to trust you, but when you have it, it’s there forever.
If I ever lost Kyla, I would be devastated. She has been my sister for 15 years now. Yes we fight a little, okay a lot, but I couldn’t imagine life without her. She has been my rock for so many years and I hope many to come. We like to joke around with each other that she is going to be the rich doctor, and I’m gonna be the poor horse trainer, breaking bones all the time, living in her mansion.

I have thank Kyla for all she has taught me in life. She is my biggest role model, and I look up to her everyday. She has taught me to be brave and stand up for what I believe in, she has showed me what it is like to be a true child of God, and she also has shown what it’s like to be loved. Thank you, Kyla.

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